Thursday, 28 April 2016

Moments from our Learning Space

The 5/6 children settled back in brilliantly after their four day weekend. Here are some moments from the last two days in the 5/6 Community.

We just had to share this one. The boys were hard at work completing their narrative, and it reminded me of this famous photograph of the workers sitting on the crane in New York City. 

Here is Jade, Romy and Jessica also working to complete their great narratives.

Mia, Cass, Rowina and Chantelle in full costume, ready to film their movie for Genius Hour.

We're gearing up for Round 2 of Interschool Sport tomorrow which will be held at St Bernadette's in Sunshine. Stay tuned for photos!

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Visit from Jack Macrae

Today we had a very special visitor, Jack Macrae from the Western Bulldogs, come in and spend the afternoon with us in the 5/6 Community. 

Jack answered all of the fantastic questions that the children had including how he maintains a healthy lifestyle and where he found his inspiration to play football professionally. 

The children then had the opportunity to practise some football drills outside with Jack, and have a lot of fun while they were at it!

Check out the link below for some footage of our 5/6 boys having a sensational afternoon:

Football Fun!!

Measurement Madness!

We had a really interesting and engaging Maths session today looking at units of measurement. The children enjoyed seeing how far they could jump and then measuring their distances. They then calculated the average distance of their team and the next step will be graphing our results.

Click on the link below to see some fun footage from our session. Enjoy!

Jump and Measure

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Athletics Carnival

Last week, the children at Corpus Christi had a wonderful day out at the school Athletics Carnival. The weather was perfect and the children put in a fantastic effort!

From shot put to long jump, sprints to relays, the children had a a full day of fun, events, chants and cheers. We even had time for a novelty event of bunny hop relays!

Well done to the Gold house for taking home the win! But everyone had a great day and were very supportive of their fellow athletes. 

Here are some fun moments from the 11 and 12 year old girls. 

District Cross Country

In term one, some of our students from the 5/6 Community went to Hansen Reserve to participate in the District Cross Country carnival. 

All of the students that participated put in a huge effort and were very encouraging of their peers. There were some great achievements on the day with some students even making it through to the next level.
Well done to all of the 5/6 students that ran on the day! 
Here are some photos of our athletes!

Bullying No Way Day

Towards the end of last term the students at Corpus Christi celebrated Bullying No Way Day. The day was about raising awareness of bullying and how we can contribute to ensuring our school is a safe, kind place for all. 

The students in the 5/6 community had the opportunity to teach their Prep buddies about how to demonstrate kindness in their everyday lives. They did this through drama, posters and online tools. 

Here are some of the photos from that wonderful afternoon. 

Learning about Chance & Probabilty

At the end of last term, we were exploring the concept of chance and probability in Maths. 

The students learned to predict the likelihood of various events occuring, as well as the ways in which we can express this, such as fractions, decimals and language. 

Below are some pictures of students in the 5/6 Community conducting an experiment to see how many times each number on a die would come up over 120 rolls. The results were very interesting indeed!

A huge shoutout to Will in 5/6B who then, through coding, developed an online experiment where a die was rolled 120 000 times!! This gave the students a deeper insight into chance and probability. 

Enjoy the photos!

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Science Experiments

This term, we have started an exciting unit for inquiry - To Infinity and Beyond. 

In our immersion stage, the children had the opportunity to conduct various science experiments to get them thinking about how the world works. 

Here are some photos of students from the 5/6 community conducting an experiment to observe what would happen if they spun a bucket of water around in a full circle. 

Most students managed to stay completely dry! 

We are looking forward to learning more about space this term!


Let us not forget what ANZAC Day is all about and remember to thank the Diggers along with all of our service personnel for what they have done and continue to do for our country.