Thursday, 28 April 2016

Moments from our Learning Space

The 5/6 children settled back in brilliantly after their four day weekend. Here are some moments from the last two days in the 5/6 Community.

We just had to share this one. The boys were hard at work completing their narrative, and it reminded me of this famous photograph of the workers sitting on the crane in New York City. 

Here is Jade, Romy and Jessica also working to complete their great narratives.

Mia, Cass, Rowina and Chantelle in full costume, ready to film their movie for Genius Hour.

We're gearing up for Round 2 of Interschool Sport tomorrow which will be held at St Bernadette's in Sunshine. Stay tuned for photos!


  1. I love the photo comparison of the boys working on computers! Would love to read a few of the narratives, this blog would be a great place to publish them to the world!
    Good luck at the inter school sports!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Me too. Love the comparison. How times have changed!

  4. Isabella Sabatino3 May 2016 at 19:51

    Love the photo comparison!!
